Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

This weekend we celebrate Mom's day. I wish I could put into words how proud I am of my mom. I can't. There are no words to describe what she has done for me. I like telling people our story because it is just so cool.
My mom had me when she was 18 years old. Not an easy task in 1974. Back then, having a baby in high school was frowned on more so than it is today. You could say she had the deck stacked against her right from the start. But, she kept on going. I am passionate against certain options some young girls take to get out of "situations". I am not judging, I just know that Life is THE most precious gift. I am sure that option could have been suggested to Mom back then. Along with her loving family and support system it was just not an option she would take. I am so thankful...if not for my sake but, if no Kristen, Katy, or David.
Back to my mom.
Mom worked hard to provide for Tonya and me. She worked long hard hours and made sure that our well-being was before hers. We moved around a lot in our hometown, moving from one rent house to another. Mom always made the houses our home. We never went hungry. We always had clothes to wear. She provided the things we needed.
I know that that life was hard. It couldn't have been easy. Raising two children on your own is no easy task. But, she did it gladly. There was never, ever any conversation of not doing it. It was what she was here to do. And she did an unbelievable job. She told Tonya and me, we could do anything we wanted to do. All we had to do was try.
She made us learn from our mistakes and disappointments. I learned a lot about life through watching her raise us. I found out life is not fair. And if you want something, you had better go work for it. I know there were times during my raising that she wondered if I would make it. Looking back on certain screw ups, I myself am amazed!!
Looks like we made it. She did an awesome job. She has produced two kids that turned out alright. None of it would have been possible though, if not for her. There is no possible way she could have done a better job. Because she did it perfectly... Dr. Tonya Pickett will graduate in two weeks from Dental school and will have her own practice in Wichita Falls. All that we have accomplished is all because of one woman's love, nurturing, caring, discipline, courage, grace, patience, understanding, and undying selflessness.
I love you, Mom!!!
Happy Mother's Day.


MammaBotos said...

Your an awesome guy, husband, & dad. Brought tears to my eyes. Great post!!!

cmarion said...

Your momma story sounds like mine, Eric. One woman doing an incredible, wonderful job of loving and raising & providing for her kids, and instilling in them hope, joy & love, even in the worst of times!!! Good post. Claudia

cmarion said...

P.S. For such a lover of music, how come your "playlist does not exist"?